Saturday, November 15, 2014

Use SIMI to display program names for Molten MIDI and your Digitech Whammy

Here's a video that shows how to use SIMI to display custom program names when using Molten MIDI 2, 5, T, and B with the Digitech Whammy 4, 5, DT, and Bass Whammy effect pedals.

Setup is really easy and it makes using Molten MIDI easier than ever!

If you aren't familiar with Molten MIDI (radiohead's secret weapon), check out this vid:

Guitarists also use Molten MIDI to play Map of the Problematique by Muse.  Here's a demo video that shows how to make that happen:

If you have any questions about these or any other Molten Voltage PedalBoard MIDI Devices, please let me know.


.:. Bill