Friday, April 24, 2015

Starship Kaom .:. the Modern MIDI PedalBoard by Molten Voltage

Greetings from Starship Kaom, the Modern MIDI PedalBoard by Molten Voltage.

Starship Kaom features many Molten Voltage devices including G-Quencer the Riff Dispenser, Master Control, SIMI, Osmosis, Node, Control-Sync, MIDI Splitty, OZ, Big Muff MIDI, and MIDI Delaytion syncing a modified MXR Carbon Copy.
Transform your pedals into musical instruments.
The future of guitar effects just showed up.
Learn more at

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hear G-Quencer in a Song!

First, a huge Thank You to the KickStarter team for making G-Quencer a Staff Pick!

I had a few requests to hear how G-Quencer, our revolutionary DigiTech Whammy controller, sounds in a song, so I wrote one and put lots of GQ ear candy in the production.  Check it!

 I'd love to hear your comments!

 .:. Bill

Thursday, April 2, 2015

G-Quencer now at KickStarter .:. Revolutionary DigiTech Whammy Controller by Molten Voltage

G-Quencer .:. The Riff Dispenser .:. Take a Sonic Expedition .:. Discover Unexplored Audio Frontiers .:. by Molten Voltage

G-Quencer takes the DigiTech Whammy, the most popular pitch-shifting pedal of all time, and multiplies its sonic potential.  G-Quencer lets you hear notes that aren’t normally available on the Whammy, then sequence those notes into elegant harmonies and improbable riffs.

We just launched our KickStarter campaign, so pre-order yours today!

.:. Bill